When Something Reaches The Maximum Point, It Will…..

One day, when I am going to supermarket, the sun shines brightly. It’s so hot. I sweat so much it makes me very thirsty. And it become worse when no wind is blowing there. It’s simply like being in the hell.

A few hours later, the rain falls. Very heavy. Unfortunately, I forget to bring umbrella, so I am forced to stay at supermarket and wait until the rain stop.

While I stand beside the windows and look outside, I just remember an old idiom, which is very syncronized with this situation.

Image result for jump sky
When Something Reaches The Maximum Point, It Will Turn Into The Opposite Direction
Before, it was very sunny. Very hot. Made me sweated like crazy. But in this time, the rain falls. And it is not a light rain. It is a heavy rain. The wind also blows like the storms. The condition is really contradict with before. It is out of common sense. It is illogical. Yet, it is the fact.

And this fact, the theory of “Something Reaches The Maximum Point Will Turn Into The Opposite Direction”, not only can be used for weather, it also can be applied for everything. Nature, animal, human, earth, … and the abstracts like personality, character, etc.

A, a girl, is a kind one. She is friendly, and likes to help others. She even cares for the animals so much. Anytime the other people treat her badly, she ignore them and continues doing her kind attitude. All of us know the law of cause and effect, but unfortunately, in this complicated world, what happens sometimes contradict to the law. As time goes by, people treat her worsen – they manipulate her, despise her, cheat her, even try to hit her…

And one day, when a boy hits her, she gets a knife and stabs it to that boy, kills him.

So, don’t think a kind person will be harmless to you and you could treat him/her as you like without any harmful compensation.  Many people think that they are strong, that they have big authority to oppress others, that the people they oppress would not fight them back. Actually, they are doing such a stupid things, they’ll never know what will happen with their life in the future.

Everything is always changing.

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After I have waited for about two hours, the rain finally stops. Perhaps, waiting for almost two hours just by standing besides the window of supermarket is wasting time, but for me, it makes sense. I get another wisdom from mother nature.

(Pictures are from the internet).

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