Sometimes We Fear, Because …

Sometimes we fear, because we expect too much from something we’re doing.

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Sometimes we fear, because we cannot trust everything…. even for ourselves and God. You are afraid of betrayal.

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Sometimes we fear, because we are confused. Will this way take us to the right side, or the wrong side? The last time we are brave and take the risk, then finally we fail… totally fail. So now, will we repeat our mistake again? Brave for stupid choice?

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But… really. This universe is totally complex. 

We expect for nothing, at last we gain nothing.
We trust no one. Then we become the paranoid freak, even hurt people who are really kind to us… at last, we become sinful.
We waste time for being confused. At last, when we realize that our choice is right, time has passed away…. the right time has gone. We cannot do the same thing anymore.  

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The main reason why we are easily to get fear, because we are lack of confidence. Confidence is the most vital energy for doing everything. To dream, to expect, to trust…. for everything. Simply analyze people surrounding you, you will find that the one who always fear, surely have no confidence.

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So, you want to get rid off your fear? Then build your confidence first. More confidence you get, you will get more brave, the fear feeling will disappear automatically.

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Hope this article can help you become better person.

(Pictures are from the internet)

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