Everything in this World is always Changing

Everything in this World is Always Changing. The only thing that will never change is, the Change itself. – Dao De Jing – One of man’s natural instinct is, like constant/status quo, and hate change. It’s easy to understand since status quo always places us in comfort zone, and change pushes us to go out from this comfort zone. Moreover, when the comfort zone where we are now staying at gives us not only comfort, but also wealth, prestige, and authority to help us get as many worldly desires ny as possible, we will be more afraid to get out from it. Nevertheless, we have to admit that, we will never stay at our comfort zone forever. Today we are healthy, tomorrow maybe we will get sick; today we are happy, tomorrow we may be sad. Today everything happened is positive, tomorrow maybe – reversed – negative. Our life is unstable, always change time after time. But they who don’t understand the way of change, they who always follow their natural instinct, they would hate to adm...